Virtual Learning

A training method that needs no introduction. For the past four years, we have mastered the art of online virtual classroom delivery of training and have supported learners from all…
Virtual Learning

A training method that needs no introduction.

For the past four years, we have mastered the art of online virtual classroom delivery of training and have supported learners from all over the world. Literally.

Virtual learning embraces a digital classroom environment where people can join from anywhere – removing the location barrier and enabling people to learn in their chosen environment, such as their home.

The benefits of this training method are huge and we would love to share our endless list of successes for virtual delivery with you.

Removing the obstacles and objections

Staff teams really don’t want to train on their days off. Let’s face it. We aren’t kidding anyone. The last thing most people want to do on a day off is… a commute to the office for a day’s work.

Virtual Training is the happy compromise of facilitator led training, classroom engagement and fun – from your own home and without the commute. Learners are more than likely to commit to training on a day off when it doesn’t eat their day away and they feel it will be of benefit.

But hey, it’s not all about the staff. It’s what works for your business as well as the people you support. Virtual training allows us to not disrupt your business or care home environment and allows you to carry on business as normal. No more giving up the day room for the training space!

We can do theory based training online but you may still need a practical session.

We understand that virtual training is not suitable for all subject matters. Therefore, you may also require an on-site training session. We will discuss this with you at the point of booking. However, you can also look at our Train the Trainer programmes to see how you can work in partnership with us to offer a blended approach to learning and development.